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Business Writing: Skills, Applications, and Practices With Answer Key (Second Edition) (16K彩色軟皮精裝)(2版)


Michelle Witte
217.00  元
HK$ 206.15  

規格:軟皮精裝 / 416頁 / 19*26 cm / 普級 / 全彩 / 2版


語言學習 > 英語 > 商務書信









  Key Terms關鍵字學習:全書共17章,各章講解一個商務書信的主題。在正式進入每章主題前,先介紹重點單字與詞彙,提綱挈領,幫助快速進入重點,也增加對商務字彙的了解度。

  Discussion & Exercise:每章最後針對這個單元所學的商務書信知識,提出重點式的討論與練習。讀者可評量自我學習狀況,測驗是否已經完全了解本章主題與資訊,複習之外更加強記憶力。題目皆附上解答與詳細說明,幫助有效釐清錯誤。

  Business writing is the type of writing used in today’s business world. It includes letters, emails, faxes, memos, presentations, reports, resumes or CVs, and other kinds of documents.

Who are the readers of business writing?
  Business writing is read by people who want information, not pleasure or relaxation. Instead of enjoying the plot of a long story, business readers first want to get to the end—the recommendations or conclusions. Business writing should be clearly formatted with short paragraphs, headers, and bulleted or numbered lists. People in the business world don’t often have a lot of time to spend reading the documents they receive. A piece of good business writing should let your readers understand the main ideas by just skimming only the information that is relevant to them.

What is the function business writing?
  Business writing is often used to make decisions; for example, to hire a new employee, to change the team on a project, to cancel a partnership with another business, or to buy a product or service. Readers may use business writing to communicate information to other people in a speech or meeting.


Michelle Witte

  Michelle Witte began her career as a writing and communication specialist in the United States before deciding to focus on English language instruction. She has had extensive experience in teaching English to adults in Asia.

  Michelle Witte在成為專職的英語教學員之前,是美國寫作與溝通的專家。畢業於馬里蘭大學(University of Maryland),拿到文學學士學位,並擁有英語教學的證照。她在亞洲擁有豐富的成人英語教學經驗,曾任清華大學的語言學老師,以及在多所大學裡教授商業英文與英語發音課程。

Chapter 1: Writing Business Letters商務英文書信
Chapter 2: Writing Faxes and Email 傳真與電子郵件
Chapter 3: Writing a Memo 備忘錄
Chapter 4: Writing a Report 報告
Chapter 5: Letters of request and letters of response 請求信與回覆信
Chapter 6: Inquiries and Offers 詢價與報價
Chapter 7: Orders and Responses 訂單與回覆訂單
Chapter 8: Payment 付款相關書信
Chapter 9: Complaints and responses 投訴與回覆
Chapter 10: Sales Letters 推銷信
Chapter 11: Other types of business correspondence 其他商務書信
Chapter 12: Job Hunting Communications 求職書信
Chapter 13: Human Resources-related Communication 人力資源相關書信
Chapter 14: Reference letters 介紹信
Chapter 15: Invitations 邀請函
Chapter 16: Letters of Apology 道歉信
Chapter 17: Letters of Congratulation 祝賀信

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26. 英文商務書信範例&應用 【彩圖三版】(16K)
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41. Business Writing-Skills, Applications, and Practices (16K)